



主要开展森林生态系统大气沉降氮去向和再分配、成年大树氮吸收策略、不同类型土壤反硝化作用分馏系数和东北温带森林增材增汇等研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、中国科学院青年创新促进会项目1项、东北地质科技创新中心区创基金项目1项、国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、中国科学院科研仪器设备研制项目子课题1项。目前,已发表期刊论文19篇,其中SCI论文18篇。作为第一作者或共同一作在Global Change BiologyNew Phytologist等期刊发表SCI论文8篇。




3.《东北地区农田土壤有机碳储量空间分布规律及 其过去40多来变化》(东北地质科技创新中心区创基金项目,主持,2023.01-2025.12









1. Gurmesa, G.A.#, Wang, A.#, Li, S., Peng, S., de Vries, W., Gundersen, P., Ciais, P., Phillips, O.L., Hobbie, E.A., Zhu, W., Nadelhoffer, K., Xi, Y., Bai, E., Sun, T., Chen, D., Zhou, W., Zhang, Y., Guo, Y., Zhu, J., Duan, L., Li, D., Koba, K., Du, E., Zhou, G., Han, X., Han, S., Fang, Y. (2022) Retention of deposited ammonium and nitrate and its impact on the global forest carbon sink. Nature Communications 13, 880.

2. Tu, Y.#, Wang, A.#, Zhu, F., Gurmesa, G.A., Hobbie, E.A., Zhu, W., Fang, Y. (2022) Trajectories in nitrogen availability during forest secondary succession: illustrated by foliar δ15N. Ecological Processes 11, 31.

3. Wang, A., Chen, D., Phillips, O.L., Gundersen, P., Zhou, X., Gurmesa, G.A., Li, S., Zhu, W., Hobbie, E.A., Wang, X., Fang, Y.* (2021) Dynamics and multi-annual fate of atmospherically deposited nitrogen in montane tropical forests. Global Change Biology 27, 2076-2087.

4. Zhou, X.#, Wang, A.#, Hobbie, E.A., Zhu, F., Qu, Y., Dai, L., Li, D., Liu, X., Zhu, W., Koba, K., Li, Y.*, Fang, Y.* (2021) Mature conifers assimilate nitrate as efficiently as ammonium from soils in four forest plantations. New Phytologist 229.

5. Zhou, X.#, Wang, A.#, Hobbie, E.A., Zhu, F., Wang, X., Li, Y.*, Fang, Y.* (2021) Nitrogen uptake strategies of mature conifers in Northeastern China, illustrated by the N-15 natural abundance method. Ecological Processes 10.

6. Wang, A., Fang, Y.*, Chen, D.*, Phillips, O., Koba, K., Zhu, W., Zhu, J. (2018) High nitrogen isotope fractionation of nitrate during denitrification in four forest soils and its implications for denitrification rate estimates. Science of the Total Environment 633, 1078-1088.

7. Wang, A., Zhu, W., Gundersen, P., Phillips, O.L., Chen, D.*, Fang, Y.* (2018) Fates of atmospheric deposited nitrogen in an Asian tropical primary forest. Forest Ecology and Management 411, 213-222.

8. Wang, A., Fang, Y.*, Chen, D.*, Koba, K., Makabe, A., Li, Y., Luo, T., Yoh, M. (2014) Variations in nitrogen-15 natural abundance of plant and soil systems in four remote tropical rainforests, southern China. Oecologia 174, 567-580.

9. Gao, M., Zhu, F., Hobbie, E.A., Zhu, W., Li, S., Gurmesa, G.A., Wang, A., Fang, X., Zhu, J., Gundersen, P., Huang, K., Wu, Z., Fang, Y. (2023) Effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon allocation between wood and leaves in temperate forests. Plants People Planet 5, 267-280.

10. Zhou, X., Li, H., Wang, A., Gurmesa, G.A., Wang, X., Chen, X., Zhang, C. (2023) Effect of increased carbon load on denitrification efficiency and nitrate isotope enrichment factors in subsurface wastewater infiltration system. Water environment research 95, e10849.

11. Duan, Y., Liu, D., Huang, K., Shou, W., Zhu, F., Liu, Y., Yu, H., Gundersen, P., Kang, R., Wang, A., Han, S., Wang, Z., Zhu, J., Zhu, W., Fang, Y. (2022) Design and performance of an ecosystem-scale forest soil warming experiment with infrared heater arrays. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 2065-2077.

12.    Gurmesa, G.A., Zhang, S., Wang, A., Zhu, F., Mgelwa, A.S., Wang, C., Zhang, Q., Zhu, W., Fang, Y. (2023) Within-site difference in nitrogen status between mixed forests and larch plantations: Evidence from multiple indicators. Ecosphere 14, e4358.

13.    Gurmesa, G.A., Hobbie, E.A., Zhang, S., Wang, A., Zhu, F., Zhu, W., Koba, K., Yoh, M., Wang, C., Zhang, Q., Fang, Y. (2022) Natural 15N abundance of ammonium and nitrate in soil profiles: New insights into forest ecosystem nitrogen saturation. Ecosphere 13, e3998.

14.    Zhou, X., Li, H., Wang, A., Bai, J., Li, Y., Gurmesa, G.A., Wang, X., Chen, X., Zhang, C. (2022) How Does Hydraulic Loading Rate Affect Fates of 15NH4+-N Tracer and Pollutants Removal in Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration System? Environmental Engineering Science 40, 13-19.

15.    Zhou, W.#, Xi, D.#, Fang, Y.*, Wang, A., Sha, L., Song, Q., Liu, Y., Zhou, L., Zhou, R., Lin, Y., Gao, J., Balasubramanian, D., Lin, L., Chen, H., Deng, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, Y.* (2021) Microbial processes responsible for soil N2O production in a tropical rainforest, illustrated using an in situ N-15 labeling approach. Catena 202.

16.    Zhu, F. #, Dai, L. #, Hobbie, E.A., Qu, Y., Huang, D., Gurmesa, G.A., Zhou, X., Wang, A., Li, Y., Fang, Y.* (2021) Quantifying nitrogen uptake and translocation for mature trees: an in situ whole tree paired 15N labeling method. Tree Physiology.

17.    Su, C.#, Kang, R.#, Zhu, W., Huang, W., Song, L., Wang, A., Liu, D., Quan, Z., Zhu, F., Fu, P., Fang, Y.* (2020) Delta N-15 of nitric oxide produced under aerobic or anaerobic conditions from seven soils and their associated N isotope fractionations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 125.

18.    方运霆*, 刘冬伟朱飞飞图影李善龙黄韶楠全智王盎氮稳定同位素技术在陆地生态系统氮循环研究中的应用(生态技术与方法专辑), 植物生态学报,  2020, 44 (4): 373-383.

19.    Li, S.#, Gurmesa, G.A.#, Zhu, W., Gundersen, P., Zhang, S., Xi, D., Huang, S., Wang, A., Zhu, F., Jiang, Y., Zhu, J., Fang, Y.* (2019) Fate of atmospherically deposited NH4+ and NO3- in two temperate forests in China: temporal pattern and redistribution. Ecological Applications 29.