






  E-mail: liningsong@iae.ac.cn



  Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu*, Mingcai Li, Jinxin Zhang. 2016 Water use patterns of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees of different ages in a semiarid sandy lands of Northeast China. Environmental and Experimental Botany.doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2016.02.006

  Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu*, Mingcai Li, Jinxin Zhang, Linyou Lv. 2016. Sources of water used by Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica trees based on stable isotope measurements in a semiarid sandy region of Northeast China,Agricultural Water Management, 164: 281-290

  Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu*, Qiaoling Yan, Mingcai Li, Guoqing Yu. 2015. Comparison of intrinsic water use efficiency between different aged Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica wide windbreaks in semiarid sandy land of northern China. Agroforestry Systems, 89(3):477-489

  Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu*, Mingcai Li, Qiaoling Yan. 2015. Intrinsic water use efficiency in wet and dry years at young and old plantations ofPinus sylvestris var.mongolica in semiarid China. Journal of Forest Research, 20(2): 263-271

  Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu*, Mingcai Li, Zhanyuan Yu. 2014. Water utilization of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in a sparse wood grassland in the semiarid sandy region of Northeast China. Trees - Structure and Function, 28(4): 971-982

  Lining Song, Jiaojun Zhu*, Qiaoling Yan, Hongzhang Kang. 2012. Estimation of groundwater levels with vertical electrical sounding in the semiarid area of South Keerqin sandy aquifer, China. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 83:11-18

  宋立宁, 朱教君*. 2015. 沙暴、尘暴和沙尘暴. 防护林科技, 8: 1-3

  宋立宁, 朱教君*, 康宏樟. 2013. 樟子松幼苗水力结构参数和生长特征对模拟降水梯度的响应, 干旱区研究, 30(6): 1021-1027

  宋立宁, 朱教君*, 李明财, 闫涛, 张金鑫. 2012. 不同降水条件下科尔沁沙地南缘疏林草地樟子松针叶δ13C和叶性状特征. 应用生态学报, 23(6): 1435-144

  宋立宁, 朱教君*, 闫巧玲. 2009. 防护林衰退研究进展. 生态学杂志, 28(9): 1684-1690